In accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society and e-commerce services, Yurrita e Hijos S.A. informs you that it is the owner of the WWW.YURRITAGROUP.COM website. Pursuant to Article 10 of said Law, Yurrita e Hijos S.A. informs you of the following data: Yurrita e Hijos S.A. is the owner of this website and its company address is in Mutriku (Guipúzcoa), the Road from Mutriko to Ondarroa, Industrial Estate Mijoa UE-3, “Txirritxa” registered in the Mercantile Registry in volume 1899, sheet 97, page number ss-3936, 7th registration. The company’s contact e-mail address is:

User and responsibility system

The navigation, access and use of the YurritaGroup website confers the condition of user, meaning that you accept, by navigating through the YurritaGroup pages, all the terms of use established here notwithstanding the corresponding rules of obligatory legal compliance according to the case. The web pages of YurritaGroup provide a wide range of information, services and data. Users assume their responsibility in the correct use of the website. This responsibility extends to:

  • The application and accuracy of the information provided by the user in the forms issued for the access to certain contents or services offered on the websites. They will also be responsible of giving the access passwords obtained when filling out the referred forms.

  • The use of information, services and data offered by Yurrita e Hijos S.A. contrary to the provisions for these conditions, law, morals, good customs or public order or any other form of injury may cause the same rights of third parties or the operation of the website.

Link policy and exemption from liability

Yurrita e Hijos S.A. is not responsible for the content of the websites the user may access through links established on its website, and declares that in no case will it examine or exercise any type of control on the contents of other websites of the network. Additionally, it will not guarantee the technical availability, exactness, veracity, validity or legality of the websites that are not its property and which could be accessed through links. Yurrita e Hijos S.A. declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damages, that may arise to the users of its website from browsing through its websites. Consequently, it is not responsible, in no case, of the possible damage the user may suffer through browsing the Internet.


Yurrita e Hijos S.A. reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notification, on the content of its website. Whether that refers to the contents of the website, as in the conditions of use of it or the general contract conditions. Such modifications may be carried out, through its website, by any legally admissible means and will must be complied with for the time they are published on the website and until they are validly modified by other subsequent ones.

Hiring services via the Internet

Certain contents of the website make it possible to hire via the Internet. The use of these contents require the reading and mandatory acceptance of the general contracting terms established for this purpose by Yurrita e Hijos S.A.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights derived from all its texts, images, as well as sources and forms of presentation and editing of its websites belong, per se or as assignee, to Yurrita e Hijos S.A. They will therefore be protected as intellectual property by Spanish law, and Spanish and Community regulations will be applied to them in this field, as well as international treaties related to the material and subscribed by Spain. All rights reserved. In compliance with the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, public communication and use, in part or as a whole of the content of the web pages, without the express consent of Yurrita e Hijos S.A. is expressly prohibited. Yurrita e Hijos S.A. also reserves the right to present civil or legal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its web pages and contents or due to the non-compliance of these present conditions. The relationship between the user and Yurrita e HIjos S.A. will be regulated by current Spanish legislation and the courts of the town of Vigo will be competent to decide any controversy that may arise between a user and Yurrita e Hijos S.A.

Privacy Protection

In accordance with Organic Law with what is established in Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, Yurrita e Hijos S.A. informs the users of its website that the personal data collected by the company through the forms located on their pages, will be entered into an automated file under the responsibility of Yurrita e Hijos S.A., with the purpose of facilitating, expediting and fulfilling the commitments established between both parties. Furthermore, Yurrita e Hijos S.A. informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights to access, cancel, rectify and oppose in writing to the address: Yurrita e Hijos S.A. Unless you inform us of the contrary, we will understand that your data have not changed, that you commit to notify us of any changes and we have the consent to used them in order to facilitate the relationship between both parties.